

최중현 교수(롬한인장로교회) 영어설교- Luke’s Resurrection Faith(Luke 24:36-49)

김영애 기자


Luke’s Resurrection Faith 

(Luke 24: 36-49)

1. Each person has their own field of study.

(1) What is surprising, however, is that even the inclination of a religious life can be influenced by the field of study.

(2) If so, what was the major of the author of today’s text?

That’s right. He was a doctor who studied the human body and treated diseases all his life. But if he recorded the resurrection of the Lord today, what would Luke’s view of the resurrection be?

(3) So today, on Easter Sunday in 2023, we will have time to think about the resurrection Luke saw.

2. Today’s text Luke 24 records the disciples’ reactions to the news of the Lord’s resurrection.

(1) Let’s look at the contents of the text.

1) First, in verses 1-12, three days after the death of the Lord, so exactly on the first day after the Sabbath, the women who participated in the funeral went to the tomb with spices at dawn. At that time, the angel announced the resurrection of the Lord and told it to the disciples, but their response was unbelievable.

2) Then, the scene changes and in verses 13-35, the Lord came to the two disciples on the way to Emmaus, but they did not recognize the Lord.

3) Then, going to the second half, in verses 36-49, the Lord personally visited the unbelieving disciples and showed them his hands and feet and allowed them to touch them.

(2) Yes. How can we reasonably believe that a person will die and be resurrected? So, if you look at the record of the author Luke today, these words are emphasized a lot.

1) First, it is unbelievable. Let’s check.

Verse 11/ [Doesn’t believe it because it sounds like nonsense], Verse 23/ [Can’t see the corpse]

Verse 25/ [Slow to believe], verse 38/ [Doubt arises], verse 41/ [Unbelieve] Yes. When a person dies, it is the end, but the question is how can he live again?

2) Second, so I'm emphasizing that everyone is amazing.

Verse 12/ They were amazed and went home. Verse 22/ They surprised us,

3) That is why they thought of the Lord’s resurrection as a spirit.

Verse 3/ [The body is not seen], Verse 12/ [Only the linen cloth is seen]

Verse 23/ [They did not see the body], Verse 37/ [They were astonished and terrified]

That’s right. It is that the women who are eyewitnesses, the disciples, and the recorder cannot believe in the resurrection of the Lord.

(3) But what made them believe in this incredible resurrection?

Verse 25/ [Everything the prophets said], Verse 44/ [That everything written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms must be fulfilled.] Yes. The power of the Word is that it established faith.

3, Then what is the word of resurrection that Luke emphasized?

(1) It emphasized the very words of the living Lord.

1) Let’s look at verse 15. [Jesus...] That’s right. Here, the Lord will be the first appearance after the resurrection, and the Lord will be transformed. So, in verse 16, the disciples on the road to Emmaus did not recognize him, and in another Gospel, even his disciples did not recognize the resurrected Lord. That’s why you can absolutely recognize this Lord only when your spiritual eyes are open.

2) But that is the Word.

Let’s look at verses 32 and 45. That’s right. It was only when the Lord opened the Bible that everyone’s hearts were opened. It also means that any sorrow becomes joy when we discover the Lord in the Law of Moses, the words of the prophets, and the Psalms. So, just like their confession, [Didn’t our hearts burn within us when He spoke to us and opened the Bible to us?] [He opened their hearts and made them understand the Bible].

That’s right. How many despair and sorrow must they have fallen into despair when the expected Messiah died? However, when I opened the Word to them, the fire of the Holy Spirit arose in their hearts. Then, the river of peace came. So true peace is in the Lord. I pray that you all enjoy this kind of peace.

(3) Lastly, we all want to believe in the Lord’s resurrection.

There is a word emphasized by the author Luke throughout the Gospel of Luke. That’s right

Mentioned at the beginning of 1:1 / made among us [fact]… that is. That’s right. The resurrection of the Lord is a clear fact. But this resurrection has answered your ears in 4:14.”


There is a word for us to think about in today’s main text. That is the rebuke from the angel’s question today, ‘Why do you look for the living among the dead?’ There are many people who live a life of faith but disbelieve. That is the faith of the resurrection. Then, by any chance, are there no people who still seek the Lord among the dead? The Lord’s rebuke to such people

It is “O you slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken…”

It is said that it is a slow-believing rebuke. The Lord has surely risen from the dead. He was not only resurrected as a spirit. [A spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have] How wonderful is this? That is the resurrection of the Lord. But the question is, do you really believe this? If so, please believe that the Lord is alive today and is here with us. At that time, I believe that we will become living witnesses of the resurrection and enjoy the blessings.







취재: 김영애 기자    기사입력 : 23-12-02 17:18

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